Money LifeSavers

SKU: 9781614682141
Qty in Stock: 1

If you’re part of this new generation struggling to stay afloat financially – or if you’re the parent of a high school or college student or recent graduate – then this book is for you. Today’s youth need money lifesavers (like this book) to help them make smart money decisions and avoid common financial pitfalls.

Young people will have to navigate rough financial waters:

  • To compete in today’s tough job market, most young people will need expensive, post-secondary education largely financed by student loans. They will graduate with a big debt anchor and an unpredictable income.
  • Even graduates lucky enough to land a good job are likely to discover that the lifestyle their parents achieved is almost out of reach. Benefits that used to be taken for granted, such as job security, health insurance and a pension, are fast disappearing in this YOYO (you’re on your own) economy.

Unfortunately, personal finance is seldom taught in school. This book fills that educational gap. The content is based on National Standards in K-12 Personal Finance Education (developed by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy) and Money As You Grow – 20 Things Kids Need to Know to Live Financially Smart Lives (published by the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability).

Money Life$avers makes learning about money fun by using quiz games and lots of cartoons, quotations and money trivia. It’s also a handy reference guide to financial terms, and most importantly, a compendium of essential money management advice for teens and parents.

For many young people, reading this fun and informative book could be a moneylifesaver!

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