RAMBLING OUTDOORS is a collection of tales from the many I have written on the great outdoors. Though many are personal, I sincerely hope each sparks some sort of reminiscence on the part of the reader…some recollection of similar experiences to be enjoyed once again. Those of you, family and friends, who were participants in some of these escapades will certainly be able to add your personal recollection to them.May you enjoy them as much this time around as the first.
You will find some stuff here, too, that will cause you to no doubt wonder how it fits into the categories of Forest, Field and Stream. Since the over-riding theme of this book is nature, I have allowed tales of human nature to creep into this collection. Whereas many see somewhat of a separation between man and nature…I do not. I see man as a part of nature. Thus, tales like CRACKDOWN, BLUE EYES, GRASS, et. al. are included for your enjoyment.
RAMBLING ON, an earlier collection of mine, began with a piece entitled, “IMAGINATION”. My hope was for the reader to use his/her imagination thereafter to become actively engaged in the pieces that followed. I begin RAMBLING OUTDOORS with “STORY TIME”, again with the hope that readers will enjoy stuff contained herein as a child would…by getting into and feeling every story that follows.
This collection, like RAMBLING ON, is a memoir of sorts. Read it, and you will know me far better than you now do. I was unable to come up with a sensible organization for this collection; one piece does not logically lead to the next. Therefore, it might be best to read through RAMBLING OUTDOORS slowly, tackling one piece at a time
Now, read on……………