For about 200 years, Indian life and culture were thriving in the Berkshires and Hudson River Valley. What tribes were living here and how did they live? What led to their disappearance by the early 1800s?
This book is designed to help both visitors and residents explore that history, and examine the countless reminders of the rich Indian culture: What do the many place names mean? What is the Indian connection to well-known mountains and other landmarks? And how can you find out more?
About the Author
David C. King is the author of more than 70 books, including First People: An Illustrated History of American Indians (DK Publishing, 2008-2009). It has won four national awards and is sold as both an adult and young adult title. He has also written several young adult books about individual Indian societies, including the Huron, Mohawk, Oneida, Navajo, Nez Perce, and Haida. King lives in the Berkshires with his wife Sharon, who is also a writer.