The Pilothouse

SKU: 978-1-61468-679-8
Qty in Stock: 1


One Couple's Passage Through the Straits of Dementia

Until it comes into our own home, it is easier to think of people with dementia as cute grandmotherly types with a faulty memory of whom we tell amusing anecdotes while we smile condescendingly, though perhaps uncomfortably, behind our hand. But… these people are not merely numbers. They are our mothers and fathers, our husbands and wives, our sisters and brothers, our neighbors, our friends. They are us.

And they, with their caregivers, fill the pages of The Pilothouse. From the moment Woody comes face-to-face with his disease, through his no longer being able to conceal it, through Vida’s evolution of caregiving, to the inevitable end, we accompany Vida and Woody on their passage through the straits of dementia, meeting many other dementia sufferers and their caregivers along the way.

With laughter and tears, information and hope; stripping away shame and embarrassment, The Pilothouse highlights many of the faces that comprise the befogged world of Alzheimer’s and related dementias, filling an empty niche in the narrative of these devasting diseases. It is a story for our time.


Customer Reviews

Reviewed by Roger F, 02/22/2022

I came to The Pilothouse thinking I knew a great deal about dementia. I learned quickly how little I truly understood about this scourge of humanity.
Quite simply, the author has successfully provided an examination of one of society's major taboo subjects, demystifying it and holding it under the light of day for close examination, all under the pretext of a touching love story.
The novel....ah, but it's so much more than a novel, isn't it? A love story, a primer, a cry for research, a testament to those who work tirelessly to bring a touch of grace and humanity to the afflicted. This is a book that should be required reading in every gerontology-related program in every university in the country.
I thought it a very neat literary device to use the support group discussions in the book to provide additional examples of the myriad ways dementia can afflict us. I learned so much. I do believe The Pilothouse addressed every aspect of the human condition from sexuality to incontinence to OCD-type behaviors to agnosia and more.
All-in-all, The Pilothouse was delightful to read. I will be recommending it to my adult children and their significant others; I found the love story touching and tender and the education eye-opening and not in any way heavy-handed or "forced".
I loved The Pilothouse for the love story, and champion The Pilothouse for the clear-eyed analysis it offers.

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