The end of World War two coincided with the beginning of modern network commercial television. Post war America now had the time and resources to fully plug in television as we know it today. By 1948 commercial tv programing was national and growing.
What is interesting is that the first tv sitcoms were often derivative radio shows with the video added. Previously successful radio sitcoms were filmed! so they would be appropriate for television. Even original sitcoms had movie antecedents and could be rewritten and redirected for the small screen and smaller time periods allotted for this new medium. The big difference was that the video portion was piped into the home, office or bar of the person watching. The audience didn’t have to leave its home to watch a moving picture.
Those early days of commercial tv offered dramas, soap operas, sporting events, game shows and comedy/variety programs. Many former theater and vaudeville comedians found new careers in the new medium. Former radio stars often translated their audio personalities easily to their video counterparts.
Ray Starman is a fan of both TV and Film Noir, and has written articles for Films in Review, and was the Chief Index Editor for the Film and Literature Index ‘85. He received his BA in Philosophy and Comparative Literature from the University at Albany, as well as completing course work towards a master’s degree in Philosophy. He lives in upstate New York. This is his second book. Contact him at:, or find him on LinkedIn.