Twelve Years of Night

SKU: 978-1-61468-887-7
Qty in Stock: 4


My way of life through the “Thousand-Year Reich”

Twelve Years of Night tells the story of Heinrich Lienau, a Nazi concentration camp political prisoner, of what he remembers and his retained notes during the 12 years of the Nazi times in Germany. How he was able to write and save notes, that if found would be his death warrant, will be revealed. One of his main objectives after the war in 1945 was to have Nazi guard criminals prosecuted and for the relatives of dead prisoner victims to know what happened to their loved ones.
After World War I, times were very bad in Germany and many people left the country if they could. My own father and uncle did so. And so times were ripe for a change. Lienau listened to Hitler’s speech in Flensburg in 1932 and despite losing his brother in WWI thought if the Nazi war-mongering plans were to take place, it would be bad news for Germany. He did not keep his thoughts to himself, but as a newspaper man shared them with others. And so early on Heinrich Lienau was on the Nazi’s Enemy List. The original German book does not mention how he got his only daughter out of Germany before the Nazis took over the country.
His daughter translated the book from German to English and his grandson added introductory information not covered in the original book Zwölf Jahre Nacht.

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