Gardening with Your Head in the Clouds

SKU: 978-1-61468-921-8
Qty in Stock: 53


A Weather Primer for Gardeners

In her debut book, Gardening with Your Head in the Clouds, Alicia expertly intertwines two of her passions by explaining weather phenomena in a simple, practical way and giving numerous tips for gardeners to become observers of the weather and its impacts in their own backyard. Alicia has over twenty years of experience explaining meteorology in engaging, understandable terms to students, attorneys, and community groups.
Alicia resides in upstate New York, where she continues to cultivate both her garden and her love of the ever-changing weather in her backyard.

Alicia Wasula is the owner of STM Weather (formerly Shade Tree Meteorology), a forensic meteorology firm based in upstate New York. She received her BS, MS, and PhD degrees in Atmospheric Science from the University at Albany. Alicia's primary focus is on providing scientifically sound, clearly communicated weather information to a variety of clients and audiences. In her free time, Alicia enjoys spending time with her family, hiking, and of course, gardening.

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