Invisible Prisons

SKU: 978-1-61468-747-4
Qty in Stock: 1


Why is it that we can find ourselves in situations or relationships we never wanted to be in? What drives our thoughts and our feelings? Why do we make some of the choices we make when those choices lead us to unhappy, sometimes even dangerous places? And worse: Why can’t we find a way out?
Invisible Prisons explores these and other topics to help us understand why we believe the things we do about ourselves, about others, about the world we live in and about our God. A step by step path to freedom is outlined.
As you discover what you hold in your belief system, “the garden of your soul,” and learn how to live from a more accurate core of “truths” you’ll escape from your invisible prison and be better equipped to live the life you always wanted to live. The God who created us never intended for us to be held captive. Leave prison life and enter the gates that lead to abundant life! Some helpful tools for living will accompany you!
Give yourself the gift of living your days with more peace, being content with the new life you build. You will no longer be emotionally controlled by others’ words or actions, but anchored by the truths in your belief system!

Lynn has been a therapist for more than twenty-five years, including work in the field of addiction for six years. She has used the technique she describes in her book to help hundreds of individuals, couples, and families break free from what kept them from living the lives they wanted. Discovering the lies they unknowingly lived by and the development and contents of their belief system resulted in freedom.
Lynn has spoken at women’s events, retreats and church services. She has organized and facilitated day retreats for women, therapy groups with a variety of topics and goals, including effective parenting techniques, relationship and communication skills, conflict resolution, grief and many others.

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