Life is a journey and to many, an adventure. “Advanced age is a privilege,” says one 112 year old woman. Others would say to age gracefully is a challenge. This essay is a compilation of interviews, thoughts and observations on what it is like to be one hundred plus.
Let it be known, I made arrangements to interview several one hundred plus men and by the dates of their scheduled appointments, they were deceased. I have not given up on a male candidate. I know at age one hundred plus, some fine gentlemen are benefiting from longevity.
Let me introduce you to Ethel, Dr. Jane, Margaret and Carmela. I have made one honorary exception. Catherine aspired to live past the age of the famous folk artist and neighbor from Eagle Bridge, New York, Grandma Mary Robertson Moses’ age of 103 but she only lived to age 93. I consider it to be a stretch to the imagination. So be it.