Pearly Everlasting

SKU: 978-1-61468-765-8
Qty in Stock: 1


“Claudia Ricci’s riveting and sometimes explosive novel Pearly Everlasting…is a novel to be read for its compassion, its mastery of woven narrative and character, and for its always relevant themes of commitment, love and redemption.”  
Eugene K. Garber, Ph.D., author of seven books of award-winning fiction, including Metaphysical Tales, The Historian and Maison Cristina

“Pearly Everlasting embodies that longing inside all of us, the longing to be seen, heard and understood…A gut-wrenching mix of loss and reclaimed dreams, this story pulls you by the emotions and won’t let you go until the final exquisite paragraph.” 
Kathy Joy, author of Breath of Joy book series and two children’s book, Will You Hold My Story? and It Was Enough

“With tactile and fast-paced prose, Pearly Everlasting, by Claudia Ricci, takes us through the chaos of grief and loss to eventual deliverance and shows us how chance events can turn into second chances.” 
Rebecca Burke, Washington, D.C.

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