Reviewed by Norma R,
Dr Kotlow's book, SOS 4 TOTS, is going to be an indispensable item for both parents and health care professionals who are looking for straightforward information about TOTS (tethered oral tissues) better known as tongue and lip ties.
Dr Kotlow is a pediatric dentist, acknowledged as the leader in this field. His patients travel to see him from around the world, and he, in turn, travels to teach both parents and professionals about what he has learned. His emphasis is on making sure that breastfeeding is enjoyable, because it is so important to the health and general well-being of both babies and their parents.
He starts by addressing parents most-asked questions, like why TOTS so often are either undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, and how they can affect not only breastfeeding infants, but how they are linked to chronic adult health issues as well.
There is a comprehensive section on the prevalent myths, information about how TOTS can be treated most effectively, how to find a trained provider, and why aftercare by a body worker (chiropractor, cranio sacral therapist, osteopath, etc.) as well as an IBCLC is recommended.
The second section of the book is for professionals, and for parents who want to learn more. He addresses the anatomy of TOTS in more detail, and explains why some people are reluctant to treat it. Providers will especially appreciate the excellent photos in the chapter on working with lasers. In fact, the many photos and illustrations throughout the book are essential components, contributing to its
As an IBCLC in private practice I see so many families who have suffered unnecessarily because their babies' ties have either been undiagnosed, or misdiagnosed. There is currently no TOTS component in medical school curricula, and even breastfeeding management is given only cursory acknowledgment. This book will go a long way to help educate those who want to know more about this important subject.
Reviewed by Sharon V,
Dr. Kotlow approaches this topic in a very wholistic manner. He provides a very readable and well illustrated resource for families who are seeking help to educate themselves about tethered oral tissues (TOTS) and to identify resources available to both the families and the healthcare providers who support the breastfeeding dyad.