Seasick Submariner

SKU: 978-1-61468-709-2
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The Lure of Ocean Adventure from Old Staten Island to the US Navy

Seasick Submariner is a memoir of the humor and irony of growing up in an immigrant neighborhood in a less-developed, more rural Staten Island than we know today, of coming of age during the Vietnam draft era, and of military service in the Navy despite debilitating motion sickness.

Customer Reviews

Reviewed by Anonymous, 04/07/2022

Ok, Anthony is my first cousin, so I’m a bit biased. But that aside, last summer when the family was on LBI, we talked at length about his underwater experiences and his malady that many Scalicis suffer from (hell, I get sick just looking at passing boats). I didn’t understand why he’d sign up for this duty, but it was an amusing story he told me all afternoon on the beach shoreline (how appropriate a setting to be regaled) that sparked my interest in reading this submariner tale.

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