Thirty-Two Views of the Face of God

SKU: 978-1-61468-665-1
Qty in Stock: 2


The collection of poems that comprises Thirty-two Views of the Face of God reflects the author’s view of the mystical life and his own efforts to take steps along that path. The poems are an expression of joy. Enjoy.

"These translucent poems by Dennis Sullivan are a welcome contribution to his already substantial body of work. They startle and inspire as they move like a summer breeze into the deepest corners of the soul. With disarming clarity and accessibility, these 32 poems delight and enlighten as they penetrate the eternal existential questions that hover over each of us from the day we are born. Yet in the steady hand of this highly approachable poet, these often-weighty subjects neither frighten nor overwhelm. They are merely the stuff of life to be faced and dealt with as calmly as cooking a meal. There are echoes here of Emily Dickinson, Rilke, Gertrude Stein, Milan Kundera, and other literary and cultural antecedents, but Sullivan’s poems never feel preachy nor self-consciously intellectual. Even when he takes on the ambiguities surrounding love, forgiveness, emptiness, and doubt, he faces them wisely, compassionately, and with a spiritual depth that extends beyond the confines of religion.  These are poems that delight, intrigue, and beckon the reader into that engaging dialogue with the self from which all wisdom flows.” (Andrew Jazprose Hill, Author, Amanuensis)

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