Willomena The Curious Young Lamb by Suzanne Lacatena and illustrated by Lil Urband is a story that teaches children of all ages to trust God and to obey their parents. This is an adventure that leads Willomena, a curious young lamb away from the protection, safety and love of family and Jesus. She learns that when she calls upon Jesus, He will bring her safely home to her loving and forgiving family.
Suzanne Lacatena is an Ordained Minister and graduate of Advanced Theological Seminary in Florida. Currently she serves as an Associate Pastor overseeing, preaching and teaching in various Assisted Living and Senior facilities in Upstate New York. She has taught in Children’s and Teen Ministry and is a leader in Women’s Ministry. Her beloved husband Marty passed away in 2018. She is a blessed mother and grandmother. This is her first in a series of children’s books.
About the Illustrator
Lil Urband is a retired Registered Nurse, and has a Bachelors Degree from Advanced Theological Seminary. She lives in the Adirondack Mountains with her husband. Raised three daughters and is privileged to live near and be involved in the lives of her four grandchildren. Lil serves in her Church, pastored by her oldest daughter and son-in-law where she works in the Children and Teen ministry, Women’s ministry including facilitating a Bible Study. Recently rekindled interest in drawing inspired by the Author who is also her sister. “I draw for love.”